The West Is Trotting Towards War


Junious Ricardo Stanton

Several weeks ago I wrote a commentary entitled Sleepwalking Into More War which provided insights into the West’s maniacal support for the wars raging in Gaza and Ukraine. As time passed the sleepwalk is becoming a trot. Our misleadership class is accelerating the expansion of existing conflicts and opening new theaters of engagement potentially against China.

Wars unlike bar fights just don’t happen spontaneously. There is a progression, there are stages beginning with the belief war and conflict are acceptable means of resolving issues or getting what one wants. This is the mindset of the West. Since the fifteenth century the West has engaged in wholesale wanton plunder, rapine and expropriation justified by noble sounding verbiage like: spreading Christianity to the heathens, civilizing the savages, bringing freedom democracy and enlightenment to the world and similar lies.

The European movers and shakers provided emotional and material incentives and inducements to their cannon fodder to make them march or sail off towards whatever conflict, invasion or prize they coveted. Tribal and ethnic pride, religious fervor, claims of doing god’s work saving the world, making it safe for democracy or rallying the yahoos to avenge some slight or to retaliate against an attack on them were some of the tactics they used. And in many cases, the leaders pulled off a cunning false flag operation to jump start hostilities. At any rate war was already a top priority they just needed to provide a pretext and rationale to get the party started.

We are seeing the same things in Ukraine and Palestine. The US fomented a coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014 which ultimately led to the rise of a Jewish comedian named Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the position of president five years later. Zelensky was supported by the US and Azov Battalion, Neo Nazis who were actively bombing Donetsk and Donbas regions for years because the residents there wanted to reunite with Russia who they were culturally and ethnically related to.

Ukraine was universally recognized as a corrupt nation and the Biden crime family had their grubby hands deep in the corruption. When Russia intervened at the behest of the Donbas citizens the West went ballistic. Crimea had already overwhelmingly voted to rejoin the Russian Federation but the West spun it as a forced or coerced annexation.

This was part of their ongoing Putin/Russia demonizing campaign. The US/NATO axis of insanity was pissed that Putin derailed their attempts to topple the Syrian government and do to that nation what they did to Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

In addition to imposing sanctions on Putin and Russia, which are deliberate acts of war, the Axis of Insanity set out to militarily buttress Ukraine’s clown president. But this has failed, Ukraine is loosing the war, so now the West has given the green light to their clown Zelenskyy to use Western weapons to directly attack Russian territory. The West is selling weapons, providing tactical support and “advisors” in this wasted war effort. Now Germany, Britain and the US have recently moved towards implementing universal conscription or national service programs meaning military drafts! The sleepwalk is escalating to a trot.

In Palestine Benjamin Netanyahu cavalierly and dismissively crossed Biden’s red line blatantly defying him and bum rushing Rafah, effectively thumbing his nose at Biden making him look like a punk! In addition Israel has stepped up its cross border clashes in Southern Lebanon and its tit for tat attacks on Iran. Meanwhile no one, not the UN, not the Pope, not the G7 have moved to check the Israelis on their aggression and warmongering.

The sleepwalk is turning into a trot. The pace is quickening towards more direct engagement and confrontation between the West and Russia. Yet the corporate media vigorously supports it all and spins it as: defending democracy, fighting Russia aggression and justified Israel defense rather than what it really is: war profiteering, corporate greed, immorality, genocide and ethnic cleansing.

We have seen the willingness of the US government to pour money into the Military Industrial Technology Security State sinkhole and this trend is not going to subside any time soon. In fact it will increase along with preparations for conscription, logistics, war gamesmanship and saber rattling. Look at all the joint military exercises the US/NATO axis and the Russians and Chinese are conducting. This is the equivalent of two dogs growling, barking and baring their teeth at each other before they actually start fighting. Sometimes the bluff works sometimes they end up fighting.

The misleadership in both US political parties are hellbent on war, they don’t even mention the word peace, and by Golly they are going to have their wars somewhere. Sadly unless there is a major repentance the trot will break out into a full sprint towards full blown war. We have to wake up and stop pretending not to know what is going on!


Are False Beliefs Setting Us Up For Destruction?

Junious Ricardo Stanton


As we look around the world today we discover challenges to our reality, our belief systems and the values we profess to hold dear. America says it stands for freedom, justice, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but as a global hegemon the US is directly responsible for massive human exploitation, suffering, privation, misery and death! These are the direct consequences of the American Empire’s greed, callousness and immorality. This hubris is pervasive yet because of ubiquitous mind control and brainwashing most Americans are not even aware this country is an imperialist giant. Most are oblivious to the fact America has a global network of military bases and spends more than several nations combined to maintain them. Somnambulant Americans think the almost eight hundred known foreign military and drone bases and many more top secret installations in seventy plus nations exist to protect freedom and democracy!

In addition to their military overreach the US is actively engaged in numerous proxy wars using intermediaries and entities like NATO they fund and equip to do their dirty work in places like Ukraine and Yemen. Ukraine is becoming a humongous sinkhole for US war profiteering and kickbacks in support of a corrupt Ukrainian government that is a boon for the US military industrial technology hydra. Their goal aside from making huge profits is to undermine Russia and bring that nation to heel. Recent decisions to allow Ukraine to escalate direct attacks on Russian soil using Western weaponry are not only idiotic they will have horrific consequences.

On the other hand the US misleadership finds itself in a conundrum due to its total support of an obvious ethnic cleansing campaign by Israel against the Palestinians, the real Semites of the region. The optics of this carnage belie Israel’s claim they are fighting a defensive war in an effort to secure release of Israeli hostages taken in the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack; an attack which appears was allowed to happen by Israeli security forces so Israel could commence ethnic cleansing against the people of Gaza.

The US claims Israel is our only ally in the region, an ally who shares this nation’s democratic values. But is this really true? The reality is the United States is an oligarchy ruled by an elite group not ordinary citizens who represent and exercise the will of the people. A Princeton and Northwestern Universities study by Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded the US is ruled by influential elites and special interest groups who set the agenda and policies for the government.

Election campaigns whose costs prohibit the average person from running for state, national and even some local public offices makes a mockery of the claim this is a government of the people by the people or for the people. Special interests, big money and the oligarchs actually control this country and set its policies. The executive, legislative and even judicial branches and their regulatory agencies have been captured, are beholden to and taken hostage by big money interests. Elections and voting merely provide the illusion we have a say in the governance process.

For example most rational people would opt to spend their hard earned tax dollars here at home rather than pouring trillions to prop up corrupt and genocidal governments that provide no benefit to us whatsoever while enriching defense contractors and warmongers to the detriment of humanity!

Israel is an apartheid state, none of the Ashkenazim who occupy the territory and rule the country are Semites. They are converts to Judaism who have marginalized other Jews who have a longer claim to the religion than they do. They are not the true descendants of the ancient Hebrew Israelites and Judeans.

Historically ancient Israel was never a powerful or significant entity in the region, it was always in the shadows of larger more powerful nations and empires like the Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians and Babylonians.

Evangelical Christians support Israel even though the Jews reject their Messiah because they believe the Ashkenazim are the Israelites of the Bible and they are Yahweh’s chosen people; who in some convoluted way through war, tribulation and upheaval will usher the return to earth of Christ! So they uncritically support the modern genocide in Palestine just like they go along with the Biblical stories of the Hebrew’s genocide and ethnic cleansing to expropriate the “Promised Land” from the indigenous peoples. They never question the narrative or ask why a supposedly all knowing, just god would order “his people” to do such a thing?

Meanwhile simultaneously the US is provoking China over Taiwan and the South China Sea island disputes among China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. This is insane, nevertheless the misanthropes who run this nation seem hellbent on provoking a major war somewhere on this planet. Their hubris and psychopathy will be their ruin.

Our false beliefs are taking us down a slippery slope which could lead to a real Armageddon “end times” scenario. Unless saner heads prevail and this appears unlikely, the US and its acolytes will find themselves eyeball deep in multiple wars they cannot possibly win. Why is it no one sees this coming?


Sleepwalking Into More War

Junious Ricardo Stanton


Over the past few months we’ve witnessed the United States collaboration with a brutal campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine specifically Gaza and Rafah. Israel’s heavy handed response to an Hamas attack which is extremely suspicious in terms of it being a total surprise to Israel security forces are indisputable war crimes. Denying civilians of Gaza, clean drinking water, cutting off electric power, blocking humanitarian aid and food, deliberately bombing hospitals and refugee shelters and the indiscriminate targeting of civilian infrastructure are crimes against humanity no matter what the pro-Zionist corporate media says! No amount of rationalization, obfuscating, disinformation and gaslighting are going to alter the fact Israeli ethnic cleaning campaign is a crime against humanity.

University students generated massive media coverage by their protests, demonstrations and their demands for peace and disinvestment from Israel are a stark contrast to the decidedly pro-Israeli legacy media’s unabashed support of the ongoing carnage.

However, the student demonstrations have taken the spotlight off of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine which is draining vital resources and taxpayer funds that could be better used here in America to rebuild outdated crumbling infrastructure, subsidize the construction of affordable housing and strengthen existing public safety nets.

Both Ukraine and Israel are siphoning critical resources but more importantly they are contributing to this nation’s rapid degeneration into a mass consciousness of rabid militarism and all war all the time. We are destroying our minds and souls with incessant war profiteering and human carnage. We are validating Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1967 declaration,”the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today, is my own government.” For his truth and pacifism King was murdered by a collaboration of government forces.

We have been down this road before yet the Biden administration and the whole congress are totally committed to the stupidity of supporting a corrupt Ukrainian regime unwilling to admit it is losing the war and has virtually no chance of turning the situation around. Nevertheless the US is not only spending exorbitant sums of taxpayer money we cannot afford, the US misleadership and their European allies and vassals are hellbent on keeping these wars going, eschewing peace negotiations and aggressively prodding and enabling the Ukrainian misleadership into attacking inside Russian territory using Western weapons! There are increasing calls by US and European politicians and NATO spokespersons for Ukraine to directly attack targets in Crimea and Russia.

Do these imbeciles actually think Russia is going to stand passively by and allow that to happen? I don’t think so. Is NATO that insane? Have they no shame? Are they that callous they don’t care about the global consequences of their decisions, or is their real agenda massive war, death and carnage? Based upon what we have seen the past year the Ukrainian war is a disaster which will not turn out well for Ukraine or NATO.

Simultaneously Israel is determined to wiping Gaza off the map and in a classic tail waging the dog scenario, Israel keeps the US and UK governments in its grip by using bribery, extortion, honey traps and the baseless canard of antisemitism to achieve their objectives. Thankfully college students recognize warmongering and genocide when they see it. Unfortunately too many of us older folks are too somnambulant to see what is going on and have allowed the media and the government to gaslight us into acquiescing to genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Where are the sane people, where are the good people, where are the people who see the road this nation is traveling will lead to escalating global disaster, slaughter, suffering and possible collapse? Have we been so cow-towed and punked by the warmongers we are unwilling to stand up for peace, be counted for doing what is right and having the courage of our convictions? Where are the people who worship the man who said, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God”? Where are those who say they abhor violence, war and killing? When will they speak up?

We are sleepwalking into an expanded era of conflict, war and death. Will we wake up in time before it’s too late? The United Kingdom is planning to re-institute conscription, a mandatory national service for males 18 years old and up. Germany is reportedly considering conscription also. Is this a step towards forcing young men into military service? Will this spread to the other Five Eyes partners Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the US or other NATO members?

I don’t think conscription will go over well in the US, the military is already struggling to meet their quotas with a volunteer system. The only way it would fly is it used as a way to fast track immigrants to US citizenship. Unless we snap out of our dormancy we will find ourselves face to face with a real time war, not the proxy wars our leaders have been fighting.


Live With Intention

Junious Ricardo Stanton

in our last commentary I questioned what I could do to remedy an environment where I don’t feel safe within an immoral hierarchical society. Henry David Thoreau also wrestled with the same conundrum. The nineteenth century naturalist, philosopher, pacifist and essayist wrote an essay originally entitled Resistance to Civil Government but was subsequently reprinted as On The Duty of Civil Disobedience. In it Thoreau called for the withdrawal of support for the US government by those who opposed slavery and war by not paying taxes and being willing to go to prison for one’s moral and ethical beliefs.

Not merely content to write about it Thoreau did indeed go to jail for a brief period, overnight, for not paying his poll taxes because he opposed slavery, the Indian Removal Act and the war with Mexico. At that time Thoreau was twenty-nine years old, slightly older than the college students being arrested because they oppose Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing today.

By his actions and writings Thoreau has impacted subsequent generations of thinkers, activists and reformers such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. who adopted, adapted and expanded his tactics of intentional nonviolent disobedience and non-compliance to challenge and overcome existing oppressive racist and dehumanizing social orders.

Thoreau’s action brought attention to the causes he espoused even though he was all by himself acting on his own. Thoreau showed one man acting with intention purpose and conviction can make an impact. Thoreau was willing to accept the consequences of his beliefs and actions. Thoreau was livid when his great aunt paid his poll tax to bail him out and he was released from jail.

In many ways the students protesting the vicious Israeli onslaught against Palestinians are reviving and carrying on Thoreau’s tradition to standing up to and resisting war, human suffering profiteering and settler genocide against indigenous people. I applaud them for their idealism and for their willingness to take a stand for right, justice and the sacredness of life especially in the face of ubiquitous pro-Israeli propaganda, warmongering and attempts to demonize them. Similarly Thoreau, Gandhi and King were castigated and demonized for their pacifism.

We are witnessing a classic appeal for heroic moral action despite the odds, in spite of the power and influence of the misanthropes waging wars for territorial expansion and racist ideologies. We all have a moral obligation to take a side! There can be no neutrality on this issue. It is cut and dry. King forthrightly called his active opposition to the Vietnam War, a deeper calling to save the soul of America!

We find ourselves at a similar predicament today. Will we passively stand by and allow psychopaths, war profiteers, liars and murderers to continue their slaughter of innocent men women and children? This is an opportunity to restore spiritual, moral and ethical prominence and balance in the face of escalating moral depravity, genocide, apathy and insanity. Will we stiffen up, stand up, transform our minds and energize our spirits to challenge the atrocities we are witnessing, or will we remain silent and allow psychopaths to hurl us into the abyss?! We have to make a decision, a conscious deliberate, intentional choice.

The overlords cannot arrest and jail all of us. We outnumber them at least ten to one if not more. We don’t even have to physically confront the powers that shouldn’t be, we can effectively act with impact by using our pocketbooks and wallets! We can decide not to support anyone, any elected official, any company, any corporation or conglomerate who supports Israel, supplies them with aid comfort and sustenance. This includes not supporting or consuming media in the employ or ideological camp of the Zionists which in this case is virtually every major media outlet.

This is not about Israel’s right to exist they already exist and they are not going anywhere. In fact their existence poses a threat to world peace and security of the whole planet! Israel exists because the US and other powerful actors support their territorial expansion, their racist ideology and their genocide.

As I said on our last episode I do not feel safe in this type of social milieu, because the power imbalance and resources of the corporate and special interest state can easily be focused on and target anyone who stands up against evil. I am not a punk or a coward I just don’t feel safe in a system where some lives are deemed far more valuable and important than others, where genocide is condoned, tolerated, justified and promoted! Unlike other global conflicts like South Sudan, the Israeli aggression is on our faces.

We are emerging from four years of constant, acute propagandizing, intimidation and governmental overreach regarding a spurious pandemic one supposedly caused by a novel virus that actually has a 98.9% recovery and survival rate in healthy people, where the mitigation strategies caused far more harm than the disease. All criticism and contrary narratives to this virus mitigation campaign were vigorously censored and suppressed by the government and corporate infrastructure working in tandem and cahoots. All dissident was demonized, intimidated and marginalized.

We are witnessing this same thing with the Israeli assault on Gaza. The US Congress just passed a bill defining antisemitism. It will be a short jump to passing laws criminalizing anyone uttering any criticism of Israel, especially considering the influence Zionists weld in the US. Such a law was passed in France and Germany years ago. This will mean the loss of funding for any non-profit, collage or university and poses a direct threat to any individual who dares criticize the Zionists. At UCLA, protesters were actually threatened with being career white-balled by the Zionists! This is where we are headed.

What can we do? Transform your mind, living with intention like Thoreau, Gandhi and King is our best strategy. Make your life count for something, make being alive a conscious mission. Refuse to be brainwashed, do not accept, conform or comply with directives or internalize immorality. It takes courage to change the world; we can do it. We have to have the courage of our convictions but first we have to create a powerful desire for peace, value the sacredness of all life, what Martin Luther King Jr. called a revolution of values. You/we can make a difference. Let’s make it happen.


I Don’t Feel Safe

Junious Ricardo Stanton


The power dynamics and hierarchy in this country are truly fascinating. In America the myths of egalitarianism, equal opportunity and protection under the law still prevail; but in reality they are just that; myths, or at best ideals. The United States is a pluralistic society made up of diverse ethnic and cultural groups and certain groups hold immense sway and influence and can get their agendas accepted and executed while others can’t. Originally at its founding White Anglo Saxon Protestants (WASPs) were the dominant power group in America. Today this is not the case.

I saw a newscast the other day featuring a pro-Israeli US Jewish student saying, “I don’t feel safe.” regarding the campus protests, peace demonstrations and encampments on his school’s public quad. The media was framing this as the justification for police tearing down the student encampments, dispersing the protesters and arresting those who resisted or refused to move.

Certainly every student should feel safe and secure on his or her campus and public safety is a critically important component of life not just on college or university campuses but everywhere throughout our society. Public safety is the ideal rather than the reality of many places and spaces in this country. Where were the interventions by administrators, university and municipal police officers when Islamophobia was rampant on campuses following 9-11 or what about the fact many female students say they don’t feel safe on college campuses with sexual assault being one of the leading reported (many more go unreported) crimes on college and university campuses. Where is the concern for the feelings and safety of students of color who have to endure microaggression, insults, taunts and negative attitudes about their very presence on many university campuses? I’m sure they have voiced their insecurities, why hasn’t there been a coordinated intervention to address their concerns and grievances like we are witnessing against the peace demonstrations and protesters?! Jewish people represent a small minority of the US population yet they weld a disproportionate level of power as we are currently witnessing.

I am well aware some people and groups are valued more highly in this country than others. US history is replete with examples of marginalized and discriminated individuals, groups and organizations, who were deemed inferior and looked at as the bottom dwellers of the social order; people who were viewed as “less than” or unwanted trouble makers. None more so than those who push against the status quo, speak out, dissent and resist policies and traditions they feel are unjust, oppressive, discriminatory, racist, sexist or class/cast based.

For example all a police officer has to say is, “I feared for my life” and he or she will usually be exonerated if they use lethal force against a suspect. Police officers hold a special place in the social hierarchy. Indeed they are a vital cog in the social wheel providing essential services but they are not more sacrosanct than any other group.

The indigenous people of this nation rarely felt safe or secure as the Europeans aggressively encroached upon and stole their lands, made war and displaced them onto concentration camps called “reservations” where they were made dependent upon their tormentors.

Neither enslaved or free Blacks have never felt completely safe or secure in this country. They never knew what mood or psychological state whites would be in and as chattel and collateral Blacks could be sold or traded at will or whim. Once emancipation came their lives were still full of stress and trauma. This stress still exists today as many urban communities are under siege by crime, drug abuse and social dysfunction and income and wealth gaps remain insurmountable for far too many. Truth be told many Black of all walks of life don’t feel safe which is why our stress levels are so high.

US police departments have a sordid history of being the buffers between enslaved persons (they were called militias or slave patrols during the enslavement period), newly arrived immigrants (which is why police departments were originally formed in cities like Boston, New York and Philadelphia) and dissidents pushing for social change, improved working or living conditions. The police motto “protect and serve” referred primarily to the upper class Brahman types and the prosperous middle class rather than the bottom dwellers. Police were and are protecting the former from the latter.

The Pattyrollers, constables, militias and early police departments didn’t respond or intervene on the behalf of enslaved persons, early union organizers, social activists and dissidents when they said “I don’t feel safe.” during their travails or when their personal spaces were invaded or occupied by mobs.

In reality the police and militia operate at the behest of the upper classes and executive branch not the public. Today we are witnessing selective enforcement of public safety by higher education administrators, mayors and law enforcement to address demonstrators and protesters on college campuses while whole neighborhoods are under siege with out of control crime, rampant drug abuse, homelessness, social dysfunction and collapse.

How does this make any sense unless we take into consideration the power dynamics and hierarchical relationships at work here, the reality certain groups weld more power and influence than others. Alumni, donors and contributors of these universities hold far more check than conscientious students, protesting genocide, ethnic cleansing and war profiteering. Corporations, lobbyists and foreign governments have more influence over federal, state, local government and university administrator decisions than do idealistic students, peace loving residents or concerned tax paying citizens. That’s just the way it is.

Obviously this is a fact. Within this social context I don’t feel safe. Yet saying this doesn’t bring relief to or for me like it does for certain people and groups. No one is rushing to my aid. I don’t feel government is on my side, I don’t feel this system is looking out for my best interests like they do for the legacy media, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Technology Hydra or GloboCap. What are my options, how do I create a safe environment for myself and others within a social milieu that constantly demonstrates I don’t except as a compliant consumer commodity and taxpayer?!


Censorship Is Metastasizing

Censorship Is Metastasizing

Junious Ricardo Stanton

The First Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits Congress from establishing a state religion, prevents abridging the exercise of free speech, provides for the freedom of the press, guarantees the right of peaceable assembly and the petition of the government for redress of grievances. This and the other early nine amendments are part of what are refereed to as The Bill of Rights.

It’s ironic because when these words were written and ratified the new nation vigorously supported the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade, profited handsomely from enslavement although the word slavery is not in the original wording and authorized a tax on “such persons” meaning Africans imported into the this country. Generations have been indoctrinated to believe this was the foundation of a society based upon laws, freedom, opportunity and respect for human life and dignity, alas nothing could be further from the truth.

I will not belabor the hypocrisy of the Bill of Rights regarding the genocide against indigenous people, the profitability of the economic engine of slavery which drove the US economy or the numerous times the First Amendment has been violated, set aside and suppressed since day one. We are seeing this ongoing suppression play out in real time before our eyes on a daily basis with the shut downs of college encampments, the squelching of protests and the ignoring of petitions for redress put forth by college students.

On another level we have been experiencing increasingly virulent censorship for over four years now, ever since the roll out of the COVID-19 Psyop. Interestingly on October 18, 2019 in New York City a group of globalist movers and shakers, individuals and corporate entities like: the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, NBC Universal, UPS, Johnson and Johnson and several others sponsored a mock simulation role playing exercise simulating a global pandemic caused a new virus deadlier and more lethal than any experienced ever before, a fictional global extinction level plague!

Event 201 was one of numerous exercises held by the globalist cabal and Deep State since 9-11; each and every one of them focused on pandemics purportedly trying to determine which mitigation responses would be best. Event 201 I believe was the globalists’ final preparation before the global COVID Psyop was unleashed on the world.

I urge you to research this event because it was more than just a training exercise. When you read the policy recommendations and action items you see it was a blueprint for what we are currently experiencing: universal censorship, governmental overreach, escalating curtailment of our rights and a reconfiguring of society to conform to an agenda we the people have no hand or input formulating; all under the guise of public health, safety and pandemic mitigation!

COVID was the exact crisis these unelected billionaires and their underlings were awaiting, the excuse they needed to implement their nefarious agenda for a restructured world order just like 9-11 was their needed “Pearl Harbor event” to jump start US hegemonic resources wars. To pull this off they had to uniformly and directly control the flow of information, using fear to deliberately alter our perceptions and beliefs in order to manipulate us into succumbing and acquiescing to their agenda. They foisted so called experts on us who pressed for radical and dangerous remediation: global lock downs, untested inoculations and the creation of a “new normal”. They had to stifle what they called misinformation, meaning cognitive resistance and rational objection to their lies, propaganda and disinformation to suppress our natural hesitancy to their tyrannical policies and treatments.

They needed to suppress all dissent, hesitancy and alternative narratives about COVD and how to treat it. They not only had to lock us down physically and keep us isolated but also flood our minds with lies to block out any ideas and treatments that did not conform to their agenda! They did what my friend Catherine Austin Fitts calls, “treating us like mushrooms, they keep us in the dark and feed us cow manure.”

All of us one level or other have experienced some form of censorship, suppression, intimidation and marginalization during these past four years. Anyone who disagreed with questioned or rejected the “experts” narrative was censored, demonized, ostracized, demonetized, or de-platformed on social media. Fact checkers in the employ of the government and corporations demonized anyone who made public statements that disagreed with the accepted narratives. I have experienced censorship with my blogs via shadow banning where the algorithms filter my blog postingss so people using the major search engines can’t find them unless they are specifically looking for them. Big tech social media entities like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and Google all censored and suppressed material on behalf of the government, Big Pharma, Bill Gates and Fauci; they even de-platformed the President of the United States! If they can censor and de-platform a sitting president, what chance do the little guys have of fully exercising their First Amendment rights?!

We are being censored, denied information, propagandized and programmed not just about COVID and the disastrous “mitigation responses” to a supposedly novel virus that in actuality had a 98.9% recovery rate for healthy people; that has inflected far more damage on us than the so called virus itself. We are also lied to constantly about the economy, inflation and the various conflicts and proxy wars the US is waging and supporting around the world.

The US government’s Censorship Industrial Complex attack on Tik-Tok is really about suppression. Tik-Tok is a global phenomenon. When people started posting videos opposing the Israeli genocide in Gaza and their posts generated additional sympathetic posts, the powers that shouldn’t be said this must stop!

The real issue about the opposition to student campus protests is not about public safety, access to campus or disrupting the education process, it is about censorship and suppression. The Zionist lobby is determined to shut down all public opposition to and condemnation of their campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

This is why they used their influence and pulled the strings of Congressional representatives to get them to vilify the presidents of MIT, Harvard, Penn and Columbia and pass a bill essentially defining criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic. The bill could lead to loss of these schools’ federal funding! This is intimidation. We are on a steep downward slop, this is in our face censorship and intimidation. This is a complete abnegation of the First Amendment for all the world to see.


What’s The Lesson Here?

Junious Ricardo Stanton

For the past several weeks the media has focused on the protests and demonstrations roiling on major university campuses across the country. It started at Columbia University in New York City as did the heavy handed university administrations’ calling the police to arrest the students, punishing students for speaking out, encamping on campus grounds and then demonizing them because they challenged the status quo. Now police intervention, arrests and in a few cases violence have occurred. Thankfully we have not seen the types of student anarchy, government, police and military overreactions that characterized the 1960’s, 70’s and beyond.

As the demonstrations continued we saw the usual rationalization for the police intervention: pubic safety, disruption of the educational process, the protesters are anti-Semitic or anti-American, this is the work of “outside agitators” etc. These are some of the same threadbare ramblings that were used against union organizers, Civil Rights activists, the peace and anti-war movements of the mid twentieth century. Haven’t we learned anything from history? Is this a case of “the more things change the more they remain the same”? Apparently it is verboten to dissent, to be a free thinker, a non-conformist or a pacifist in this country.

Nevertheless there are a few bright examples where administrators actually took the time to personally engage in dialogue with the students, face to face and agree to work through some of the issues both sides feel are important in an effort to deescalate the situation. Deals were struck at Rutgers’ University’s New Brunswick campus and the University of California at Riverside between administrators and students. There was compromise on both sides, the students didn’t get all their demands, the administrators gave in on a few issues and the encampments on those campuses were disbanded without bloodshed or continued acrimony and strife.

The young people protesting and camping out are still idealistic they are unencumbered by mortgages, onerous debt other than their student loans, family obligations, soul crushing jobs or the need to conform and comply like older folks. They have not been beaten down by the system to the point they have become docile, passive, apathetic, numb and comatose, alas that will come later. We should be grateful to them for standing up, pushing back and having the courage to stand for something noble rather than acquiescing to genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Life is a school, our choices and experiences are our teachers, providers of lessons to be learned, situations to be mastered and personal and collective evolution realized. If we fail to learn the lessons they come back to us over and over again, often in another form to give us an opportunity to get it right, mature and grow.

So what are the lessons for us in this situation. First we should applaud the young people for rejecting a narrative that rationalizes genocide, for refusing to internalize a mindset that justifies war and profits from war and human suffering. We should be proud these young people are caring humanitarians and not mere Zombies who go along with the proverbial okey-doke. Will we repeat the lessons of past generations who ignored genocide and ethnic cleansing by early US settlers, or in Germany and Rwanda?! There is an old saying, “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.” Will we allow the global overlords and warmongers to fool us again?

We can open our eyes and see history repeating itself and learn the lessons from our past that tell us fascism, militarism and apathy destroy our souls and set the table for even more atrocities now and in the future. We can learn pretending not to know what is going on will lead to more of the same as the attacks on peace metastasizes throughout the nation.

We can acknowledge and accept the reality our government is captured and under the control of ruthless interlocking special interests cabals such as: global capital, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Intelligence Technology Hydra, and the Zionist lobby all working in cahoots with the conglomerate media against us. We can learn that the actions of small groups can change things for the better after all; compared to the masses, the oligarchical overlords are a small well organized and resourced group who only succeed by keeping us unaware, divided and constantly at each other’s throats.

It has been stated in so many ways over the years, evil can only prevail if good people do nothing! This is true. It is important we contemplate all these lessons, try to learn what they mean for us personally collectively and as a species, otherwise we are already mentally and spiritually dead, merely awaiting interment.


Things That Make You Go Hmmm

Junious Ricardo Stanton


As the demonstrations and protests for peace and against the Israeli genocide in Gaza and the United States’ unconditional support of this unjust war spread around the country and the world, it is amazing to witness the contrasts and responses from US state and local governments compared to their responses to other encampments and activities.

I liken the current campus activism to the student engagement in the 1960’s and 70’s when campuses erupted against the war in Southeast Asia, the opposition against military conscription and the support of the civil rights movement, the 1990’s movement against South African apartheid and the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement which spread around the world like wildfire; how in each of those cases the powers that be responded by unleashing the police, the National Guard and COINTELPRO on the activists.

Similarly, the crackdown by universities to the present demonstrations: calling the police, threatening suspension and expulsion against young people expressing their right to protests is quite telling. Contrast that with how consumers are allowed to camp out for hours and days at an Apple Store, at ticket agencies or stadiums to buy the latest gizmo, concert tickets or sporting event. People camp out at NASCAR races over the weekend and at concerts rarely are the police called to break them up! Even more ominous the how the ruling class allows open air drug and homeless encampments to persist and fester without addressing the causes, providing relief or even dispersing the campers.

Apologists for the campus crackdowns say the students pose a risk to public safety, they inhibit access to campus navigation, education and create sanitation problems. This is a specious argument. The students are camping out peacefully they are not preventing entrance or campus direction, they are not trashing or despoiling the campus grounds, they are polite and orderly. The rationale for the heavy handed responses by university administrators doesn’t pass the smell test.

The fact of the matter is, the current campus crackdowns are really about discouraging dissent, stomping out challenges to the status quo and preventing a counter narrative to the Zionist war crimes in Palestine. The police bum rushes of the collages is reminiscent of how the Obama administration shut down the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators/protesters during the run up to the 2012 presidential election. The last thing Obama and the political class wanted was students talking about class warfare and how Wall Street global capital was making life miserable for the masses on Main Street!

Thus far in 2024 police have not exerted excessive force like they did during the 60’s-70’s where students were murdered at Kent State in Ohio and Jackson State in Mississippi, probably because many of the current protesters are on Ivy League or upper class colleges rather than working class public universities!

The police are being sicced on college students by mayors at the behest of university presidents while mayors around the nation, turn a blind eye to the open air drug and homeless encampments in Philadelphia, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and other major cities that really are public safety and health danger spots. Despite fervent pleas from city residents and businesses to do something about the unsanitary conditions and the open drug use and sales the mayors of these cities are slow to respond.

What is the lesson here? It is one of raw power, university presidents from many elite schools have the support of their wealthy parents, donors and alumni who contribute billions of dollars, the same thing is true at some of these public colleges and university. These donors have influence and mayors listen to them.

On the other hand the cries of ordinary citizens and entrepreneurs who are tired of the filth, the unsafe, squalid conditions and the debauchery of their environments go unheeded. This contrast tells us all we need to know about the power dynamics of this country.

Within this power dynamic on a not so subtle level is the unprecedented influence of the Zionist lobby. The Zionists say jump and the Congress critters beholden to them for campaign funds (bribes) say “yes suh boss how high”? The US Congress Critters are aggressively pouncing on and denouncing university presidents claiming they tolerate antisemitism on their campuses. In their mind any criticism of Israel equates to antisemitism. It is well the best congress money can buy seeks to protect Jewish students but what about all the females who don’t feel safe on college campuses, (sexual assaults account for 21% of all reported on campus crimes),, what about people of color who experience micro aggression on a constant basis, what about all the homeless people suffering from economic dislocation, where are the Congressional money grubers on these issues?!

This is another example of the old adage money talks, bs walks. As this semester winds down it will be interesting to see what transpires on these campuses, will tensions abate or will this continue into the summer? Time will tell. Things that make you go hmmm.


Student Protests Are Spreading Across The US

Junious Ricardo Stanton

Since Israel’s heavy handed response to Hamas’ October 7, 2023 attacks there has been a growing antipathy towards Tel Aviv’s ethnic cleansing and genocide. People of good realize the Zionist regime has far exceeded any sane notions of “defense” or even an attempt to retaliate against Hamas for their attacks upon Israel, Israeli citizens to force the return of an untold number of Israelis who are being held hostage. The government of South Africa courageously filed a petition and took the Israeli government before the International Criminal Court at the Hague on charges of genocide.

In the US collage students have been protesting and holding demonstrations against the Israeli campaign to depopulate Gaza and Palestine. Columbia University has been in the news lately as campus protests have caused a sharp divide among students, the administration and the city. The student demonstrations have disrupted normal campus complacency as a result, the university administrators have called for a return to virtual classes as of last Monday there is no in class in person learning, the NYC police have arrested over Columbia 100 students and tensions remain high. Several Jewish students have expressed concern for their safety but there have been no indications of physical attacks or violence against them on Columbia’s campus

Students on other campuses around the country are demonstrating in solidarity with their peers at Columbia; Boston U and NC Chapel Hill are holding rallies to support the Columbia students demands for free speech and the right to protest and demonstrate. Yale students are demanding their University divest from MIC weapons manufacturers. Meanwhile several university presidents have threatened to suspend, expel or arrest their students. Vanderbilt, Pomona College in California and Rutgers in NJ have threatened to punish student activists. Howard University students in Washington D.C. have held demonstrations and protests and marched on the administration building accusing their administrators of genocide because of its ties to Israel, the Pentagon and the military.

Now there are tremendous external pressures being brought to bear on university presidents. ,The US Congress has called the president of Columbia to come to Capitol Hill to be chastised and grilled just like they did the presidents of MIT, U of P and Harvard several months ago which lead to the resignations or dismissals of the presidents of Harvard and U of P. Many. In addition prominent donors are threatening to pull funding and university administrators have to walk a fine line between honoring and allowing freedom of expression and maintaining support from key alumni and donors! We are also witnessing the massive clout and influence of the Zionist lobby in this country as they seek to control the narrative and suppress pro-Palestinian support.

It is good to see students engaged and protesting for what they believe is right. The protests have sparked discussion and counter-demonstrations on both side of the issue and a greater call for peace and a cease fire; correct me if I’m in error isn’t this is what freedom of speech is all about? Why the efforts to shut the protests camp in and demonstrations down. Why the one sided attacks on university presidents by the US congress critters?

As for me I side with the South African government who took Israel to the ICC on charges of genocide. Israel is definitely committing war crimes and collective punishment by withholding power, water, humanitarian aid, by bombing hospitals and Gaza’s infrastructure and knowingly targeting civilians. This is wrong and it is abominable the US uncritically supports these war crimes by providing money and material. The US Congress and Senate just passed a $95 billion bill to provide weapons and funding to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan as US infrastructure crumbles and nothing is done about the porous border situaton!

America is losing even more standing in the world due to its support of this war, more of us need to step up, stand up and speak out for PEACE, morality and right not just college kids. Israel has lost the moral high ground on this if they ever had any and the US is complicit in these atrocities.

The October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas also raises questions, how is it that Gaza a literal open air concentration camp under constant surveillance and monitoring by Israeli intelligence was able to launch a “surprise” attack on Israel?! How is it until this week, no Israeli military or intelligence personnel were disciplined or fired following the so called “surprise attack”? Did they allow it to happen to justify the genocidal campaign we are now witnessing?

You cannot be neutral on this issue,this is genocide, it is settler occupier ethnic cleansing! The soul of America is at stake here we need to position ourselves on the right side of morality and history on this issue, stand for PEACE.


Mission Creep Towards All Out War

Junious Ricardo Stanton

As we observe world events we are witnessing alarming trends and patterns that do not bode well for the prospects of peace and stability. The immediate blimps on the global radar are the Ukraine-Russian conflict, Israel’s genocidal assault on the Palestinians and the Yemen Houthi attacks on shipping lanes in the strategic Red Sea targeting ships heading for or supportive of Israel. Each one of these conflicts is inching towards a tipping point that could easily lead to further escalation, spiraling totally out of control, given the war mongering mindsets of the parties involved.

In most wars the largest causalities are civilians; innocent men women and children not directly engaged in the fighting. In Gaza alone the main causalities have been civilians, hospitals, non military targets which by international law and moral standards are war crimes. “Fresh evidence of deadly unlawful attacks in the occupied Gaza Strip, gathered by Amnesty International, demonstrates how Israeli forces continue to flout international humanitarian law, obliterating entire families with total impunity. The organization carried out an investigation into four Israeli strikes, three in December 2023, after the humanitarian pause ended, and one in January 2024, that killed at least 95 civilians, including 42 children, in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost governorate at a time when it was supposedly the ‘safest’ area in the strip, but where Israeli forces are currently gearing up for a ground operation. Such an operation will likely have devastating consequences for more than a million people who are crammed within an area of 63 km2 following successive waves of mass displacement. In all four attacks, the organization did not find any indication that the residential buildings hit could be considered legitimate military objectives or that people in the buildings were military targets, raising concerns that these strikes were direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects and must therefore be investigated as war crimes.”

Israel has denied water and cut off fuel supply lines, food and humanitarian aid supplies to the Palestinians, which is clearly a war crime! Even the optics of the ongoing war are proving Israel has lost whatever moral ground it may have had following the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas, which in and of itself is questionable given Gaza is one of the most monitored and surveilled areas in the world!

In Ukraine the Western media continuously promotes the canard Russia’s Special Military Operation is an unmitigated imperialist attack on an innocent country. The fact is Ukraine is one of the most corrupt places on the planet and the US spent over five billion dollars to topple the duly elected government of that country in 2014. We are not being told by the US media sock-puppets that the neo-Nazi element within the Ukrainian government was waging an eight year war against break away provinces who subsequently asked Russia for help and Russia responded.

There are other issues we are being kept in the dark about but I haven’t the time nor the space to address them now. My primary concern is that in all of these situations the United States government, using our tax dollars is actively supporting the oppression, murder and genocide in Gaza and Ukraine; to the tune of billions of dollars not for our benefit or safety but the bottom line of US predatory capitalists. “Billions of dollars of profit for shareholders is to be made from selling American gas to Europe indefinitely. Billions of dollars are to be made by shareholders from selling weapons of mass destruction to Ukraine and possibly other former Soviet Union nations now in NATO, indefinitely. 

Billions of dollars of profit for shareholders are to be made from selling financial services loans to a failing Ukrainian government indefinitely. For America, the war in Donbas is no more than a vehicle to create profit with the bonus of further marginalising and isolating Russia in a continued economic war of global dominance.”

The War on Donbas: Why we must all stand against fascism. By Fra Hughes,

Israel is also a huge beneficiary of US largess in the form of weapons and money .”The United States has quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since the Gaza war began Oct. 7, amounting to thousands of precision-guided munitions, small-diameter bombs, bunker busters, small arms and other lethal aid, U.S. officials told members of Congress in a recent classified briefing. The triple-digit figure, which has not been previously reported, is the latest indication of Washington’s extensive involvement in the polarizing five-month conflict even as top U.S. officials and lawmakers increasingly express deep reservations about Israel’s military tactics in a campaign that has killed more than 30,000 people, according to Gaza’s health authorities. Only two approved foreign military sales to Israel have been made public since the start of conflict $106 million worth of tank ammunition and $147.5 million of components needed to make 155 mm shells. Those sales invited public scrutiny because the Biden administration bypassed Congress to approve the packages by invoking an emergency authority.” US floods arms into Israel despite mounting alarm over war’s conduct by John Hudson

NATO is sleep walking into a wider conflict as they continue to send weapons, materials and soldiers to Ukraine. Russia has warned French president Macron French soldiers will be a prime target if they enter the war on Ukrainian soil. Putin allies tell Macron: Any French troops you sent to Ukraine will suffer fate of Napoleon’s army, by Andrew Osborn . Threats and counter-threats are not the best ways to resolve a tense situation, hopefully saner heads will prevail, but don’t count o n it. Mayhem, murder and genocide are being waged in our name by our government to profit warmongers, eugenicists and land grabbers! Are you comfortable with this?! If not, what are you going to do about it? If you say you are for peace, what are you doing to slow down or halt the creep to all out war/ all war all the time?! As Gil Scott Heron sang in his song Working For Peace, “We’ve got to work for Peace Peace ain’t coming this way If we only work for Peace If everyone believed in Peace the way they say they do. We’d have Peace. The only thing wrong with Peace is that you can’t make no money from it. The Military and the Monetary. They get together whenever they think its necessary. They’ve turned our brothers and sisters into mercenaries. They are turning the planet, into a cemetery… So this is a song about tomorrow. And about how tomorrow can be better. if we all ‘Each one reach one, Each one teach one.’ Nobody can do everything but everybody can do something. Everyone must play a part. Everyone got to go to work, Work for Peace. Spirit Say Work, Work for Peace. If you believe the things you say, go to work. If you believe in Peace, time to go to work. Can’t be wavin your head no more, go to work”

Do what you to make peace a reality. Make up your mind to hit them where it hurts the most their bottom lines: boycott Israeli products, stop supporting media and video games that promote war. Boycott Ukrainian products, find out where the wheat in our baked goods comes from and if its from Ukraine stop buying it until the war is over! Speak up/out demand your elected officials stop funding wars, think for yourself make up your own mind to choose truth over lies and peace over war!
