Synthetic Biology, Playing God

Synthetic Biology, Playing God

Junious Ricardo Stanton

“Synthetic biology is a field of science that involves redesigning organisms for useful purposes by engineering them to have new abilities. Synthetic biology researchers and companies around the world are harnessing the power of nature to solve problems in medicine, manufacturing and agriculture.”

For the past few years I’ve been warning you of the growing initiatives by the ruling class and their minions to play god. It has been an incremental process but now it has accelerated exponentially. We are familiar with genetically modified organisms (GMO), human gene editing, the integrating of humans with computers and other forms of digital “enhancement” called transhumanism or bio-digital convergence; but that is just the beginning. These miscreants are pushing the envelop into a sphere they call synthetic biology. What is Synthetic Biology or SynBio you ask? In plane and simple language it is a plan to usurp and alter the natural order; but the reprobates pushing this new agenda define it as: “Synthetic biology is a multidisciplinary field of biotechnology that involves engineering the genetic material of organisms—such as viruses, bacteria, yeast, plants, or animals—to have new characteristics. It has the potential to create useful changes in crops, improved drugs, stronger materials, and more efficient industrial processes. Scientists are also exploring the use of synthetic biology to address environmental challenges by engineering organisms to use carbon dioxide, produce biofuels for vehicles, and transform methane into biodegradable plastics. Synthetic biology combines engineering principles with existing biotechnology techniques, such as DNA sequencing and genome editing, to modify organisms or create new ones. Scientists use DNA sequencing to read the biological information stored in DNA. As this technology becomes more accurate, faster, and cheaper, scientists are building databases of DNA sequences to help them identify the biological functions of specific pieces of DNA. Complementing this work, advances in computational tools such as artificial intelligence (AI) support rapid and iterative design and testing cycles to replace time-consuming lab experiments. For example, synthetic biologists could use machine learning to better predict the effect of changes they make to an organism. Once equipped with information about the DNA’s function, synthetic biologists can edit or create the desired genetic material within an organism using genome-editing tools such as CRISPR. Scientists can make these genetic changes far more rapidly using synthetic biology than with earlier methods, such as selective breeding over multiple generations. Moreover, synthetic biologists are able to retool organisms to have uses they do not currently exhibit in nature.

The underline emphasis is mine because I want you to see beyond the scientific jargon and rhetoric to glean the nefarious purposes and intents of this technology. Notice they are focusing on the rapid alteration of viruses and bacteria much like they were doing with Gain of Function research into microorganisms. We’ve seen how that turned out in the recent “pandemic” where the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus was developed and weaponized that some folks claim was then released on the world.

Scientists admit there are “unintended consequences” to this type of experimentation and manipulation. “Synthetic biology could pose a significant threat to national security if it were used for nefarious purposes, such as developing new biological or chemical weapons. Additionally, the computational tools used for synthetic biology could be vulnerable to cyberthreats such as automation hacking. For example, a bad actor could manipulate or steal information and use it to create drugs, weapons, or other harmful products. Organisms made using synthetic biology and released into the environment could have unknown, unintended, and potentially irreversible effects on ecosystems. Such effects could be widespread if, for example, these organisms negatively affected food or water systems. The public may hesitate to accept certain applications of synthetic biology due to concerns about interfering with nature and about unintended effects. In addition, some medical applications could be inaccessible for some patients due to cost or location of treatment centers.” The underlined emphasis is mine.

Of course there are also moral and ethical issues that need to be raised, “This means that mutations in the genome of the synthetic organisms could produce unexpected interactions with the environment and other living, natural organisms. Considering the myriad unusual functions enabled by BioBricks that could be integrated in synthetic genomes, a concern is that functions upon which nature has never operated may provide advantages over natural organisms leading to unexpected proliferation of a synthetic biology product, thereby radically altering the ecosystem. Microorganisms intended for clean up of one particular chemical may interact with others, potentially passing synthetic genes to natural species thereby “contaminating” the gene pool [Tucker and Zilinskas 2006]. It’s also claimed that even without such evolutionary intervention the released species may interact with naturally existing substances and cause unexpected side-effects [Bhuktar 2005].” Synthetic Biology Social and Ethical Challenges .

But as we know the almighty dollar always takes priority over ethics and morality in this culture. “Bill Gates is not the only tech founder billionaire that sees a parallel between bits and biology, either. Many other tech founders – the same people that made their money programming 1s and 0s – are now investing in biotech founders poised to make their own fortunes by programming A’s, T’s, G’s and C’s. The industry has raised more than $12.3B in the last 10 years and last year, 98 synthetic biology companies collectively raised $3.8 billion, compared to just under $400 million total invested less than a decade ago. Synthetic biology companies are disrupting nearly every industry, from agriculture to medicine to cell-based meats. Engineered microorganisms are even being used to produce more sustainable fabrics and manufacture biofuels from recycled carbon emissions.” Meet Eight Tech Titans Investing In Synthetic Biology John Cumbers

When you see Bill Gates’ name attached to anything you know it doesn’t bode well for humanity. In every project to alter the natural order, to despiritize, dehumanize and transform people into machines/computers by reconfiguring our DNA and seizing more power over us, people like Gates and Rockefeller are behind them. I will discuss other aspects of their desire to play god in future commentaries.



Gain-of-function research (GOFR) refers to the serial passaging of microorganisms to increase their transmissibility, virulence, immunogenicity, and host tropism by applying selective pressure to a culture.

Transhumanism, philosophical and scientific movement that advocates the use of current and emerging technologies—such as genetic engineering, cryonics, artificial intelligence (AI), and nanotechnology—to augment human capabilities and improve the human condition. Transhumanists envision a future in which the responsible application of such technologies enables humans to slow, reverse, or eliminate the aging process, to achieve corresponding increases in human life spans, and to enhance human cognitive and sensory capacities. The movement proposes that humans with augmented capabilities will evolve into an enhanced species that transcends humanity—the “posthuman.”

Life Is For Living

Junious Ricardo Stanton

“Life is not a spectator sport.” Junious Ricardo Stanton

We have been given the precious gift of life, it is a wonderful and awesome opportunity to be and manifest great things on this physical plane of existence. Please do not take it for granted or abdicate your responsibility to live fully and be your best authentic self. It is incumbent upon each of us to discern why we are here, why we incarnated on this plane and then work to cultivate, develop and actualize our innate aptitudes, abilities, talents and gifts.

For most of human history aboriginal indigenous people recognized the universe is teleological, a fancy word for purposeful design, that there is order and observable symmetry all around us. Whether you are an atheist, an agnostic, a follower of a specific organized religion or an independent mystic if you are observant and conscious, you have come to the conclusion we are here and that the universe exists; therefore it must have had a creative source, a CREATOR. If you accept the fact the universe has a creator, the next step is to ask what if any is the purpose for creation? Even if you subscribe to the notion of a “Big Bang” you have to ask what caused the bang in the first place and where did the energy, matter and materials we observe as the physical universe come from? It is logical to reason there must be a FIRST CAUSE, SOURCE and MAINTAINER for all creation.

Life is energy and with it comes: mobility, cognition, awareness, volition, imagination (the power to visualize and create in our mind) and project those ideas into the physical realm and manifest them. This is quite powerful; yet far too often we take these abilities for granted or we allow them to remain dormant and impotent within us.

This is why we find ourselves in the sad state we are in personally and collectively. Some of you may be considered successful but the vast majority of us are little better than Zombies sleep walking through life wasting the genius, talents and treasure embedded within us. If the universe is teleological and I believe it is, then we are not fully living when we fail to cultivate and actualize our potential and gifts, when we fail to manifest our innate genius!

We live in a society where the ruling class created an exploitative system, they program and train us (through their education system) to fit into their scoio-economic agenda, that enriches and profits them. They could care less about our natural genius and gifts unless they can harness them for their benefit even if it means hurting and harming the world!

We did not incarnate here to be cogs in their profit making order, that is not part of the greater teleological plan. We each have the potential and the solemn duty to share our talents and genius, to serve our fellow humans and be good and faithful stewards of the natural order in which we live. This is the real purpose of life and living. We are here for a reason regardless of the circumstance of our birth. We all are special, we are intended and designed to play a pivotal role in the world and environment in which we live. If you do not cultivate and actualize your gifts and your resident potential, the world suffers a great loss. It means your real contributions have been forfeited! You owe it to us to be your best and most authentic self; even if it means going against the existing prevailing socio-economic-political order! Life is for living we must accept the challenge of living fully.

There are evil forces attempting to manipulate us and suppress the first law of nature within us, the law of survival. This is not hyperbole or exaggeration, it is provable fact. These miscreants are not only attempting to profit from our talents they are now working to alter the natural order and us with it. They are programming us to passively acquiesce to their diabolical schemes. They are playing god by malevelently geoengineering the planet, trying to alter the very nature of what it means to be human; what they call transhumanism or post-humanism. What is post-humanism you ask? Here is what the powers that be say it is, “The ‘posthuman’ is used to describe modes of being resulting from potential enhancements to human nature generated through applied science and technological developments. However, it is equally adopted to identify the decentering of human exceptionalism and the overcoming of the principles of humanism.” This is technocratic double speak, their goal is to: “enhance” us via technology, to merge us into computers and via implants to turn us into cyborgs, hybrids or chimeras through DNA alteration, to despiritize us and make us oblivious to our direct connection to the FIRST CAUSE, THE SOURCE aka THE CREATOR. Within this context we need to ponder the profound rhetorical question Yeshua Ben Joseph asked, “What profit a man to gain the whole world and ignore his soul, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

I do not plan to go out like that! I say if you really want to enhance your life, live to the fullest, strive for optimal health, be enthusiastic about your gifts and talents and joyously share them wherever you are right here and now. Life is not a spectator sport, we were not designed to be voyeurs, peeping Toms gazing at the doings of other,s passively sitting on the sideline of life playing video games, fixated on gizmos and gadgets.

We incarnated here to be actively engaged in the game of life to be star players as well as complementary role players within the overall context of living on this plane. Do not allow the fear mongering, or the intentional hysteria peddlers to deter or dissuade you from living your best life, from being your truest authentic self or from making your much needed and valuable contributions to the collective!


Be Skeptical, Question Everything

Be Skeptical Question Everything!

Junious Ricardo Stanton

“The kind of person who would believe this was a big intelligence whoopsie are the same kind of people who would buy that a handful of semi-literate cave-dwellers halfway around the world single handedly pulled off the greatest terror attack in world history with no assistance from spooks and that buildings with structure fires at the top of them collapse at free fall speed neatly into their own footprints.” No, the Hamas Invasion was not an Israeli “Intelligence Failure” Ben Bartee

Last week I posted a commentary about the phenomena called Gaslighitng, which is psychological manipulation motivated by a desire to control another person’s perception of reality, themselves and their relationships with others. Governments gaslight their citizens all the time, its called propaganda, deceit and Psychological Operations. For example we were gaslighted about the JFK assassination by our government, gaslighted about 9-11 by our government and gaslighted about the 2008 financial crash and most recently COVID-19 by our government in cahoots with the corporate legacy media and other vested interests and agencies.

Time has demolished all their lies: it is obvious there was more than one shooter in the JFK murder, that Osama bin-Laden was not the mastermind of 9-11, there were no WMD’s in Iraq, that big bank and hedge fund fraud were the real causes of the 2008 global financial implosion and the so called novel coronavirus “pandemic” actually has a 98% percent survival rate among healthy people!

I could add the gaslighing about Ukraine by proving the US was behind the 2014 overthrow of the duly elected Ukrainian government and replaced by a US vassal. To this list add the current gaslighting about the Hamas invasion of Israel.

I urge you to be very skeptical and question everything because the gaslighting, lies and deceit are becoming even more pervasive and intense. For example we need to ask ourselves how did the Israeli government with one of the most well funded (with US taxpayer money) most technologically equipped, thorough, global spy organizations (known as the Mossad) fall asleep at the switch and not know that Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement) aka Hamas was planning an “invasion”, before hand nor pick it up as it was unfolding?! How does a highly effective global spy/clandestine organization not know what is going on right next door?!

We are expected to believe that Hamas a “militant” group of Palestinians deemed a terrorist organization by the West but who have no airplanes, no tanks, no armored vehicles, no advanced technology only small arms weapons somehow launched an invasion that caught one of the most heavily armed and weaponized nations on the planet completely by surprise! How could that happen; especially after all the tension and acrimony Israel’s recent attacks on sacred Islamic religious sites in Jerusalem and Gaza caused, in addition to the usual Israeli harassment, brutalization and occupation of Palestine. (This is similar to the canard about 9-11, we are expected to believe some cave dwelling Saudis in Pakistan somehow circumvented the most expensive global military and security/intelligence apparatus in the world to pull off 9-11!).

We have been conditioned to accept any and everything the media tells us about Israel and the rightness of everything Israel does no matter how foul or in humane. Israeli officials are calling for a complete siege of Gaza which is a war crime! “The Israeli defense minister on Monday announced a “complete siege” on Gaza and said Israeli forces were fighting “human animals” as Israeli airstrikes have been bombarding the enclave, which is home to about one million children.

‘I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,’ said Israeli Defense Yoav Gallant, according to The Times of Israel. ‘We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.’…US officials expect Israel to launch a ground incursion into Gaza soon, and the Biden administration is providing full support, including new military aid and the deployment of an aircraft carrier strike group to the region as a show of force. Gaza has over 2 million residents and has been under an Israeli blockade since 2007, and has come under frequent Israeli bombings since then, leaving the people living in the enclave in a dire situation. Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth, meaning a full-scale Israeli invasion will incur substantial civilian casualties.” Israel Announces a ‘Complete seige’ of Gaza, Says They Are Fighting ‘Human Animals’ Dave Decamp Notice the overkill reaction by Israel; penalizing a whole group of people because of the actions of a small organization or that people’s leadership is a war crime!

We need to question our country’s foreign policy and the support for Israel, especially since this latest “war” has the potential to provoke a regional conflagration or an all out global war. Already the US is calling to increased aid and spending to Israel. Why, the US already sends them billions annually.

Don’t fall for the gaslighting, question everything!


Gaslighting, An Ongoing Process

Junious Ricardo Stanton

Television as influential mass media – hypnotic spiral on the screen. Metaphor of mind control, propaganda, brainwashing and manipulation caused by watching TV and mainstream broadcasting. Retro TV. 3d illustration

Back in 2022 I wrote a commentary about gaslighting, in it I wrote, “Gaslighting is a power play, a way for one person or group to gain and maintain power over others. In the United States we are gaslighted on a daily basis by individuals and institutions such as: religions, our education systems, the mass media and politicians. There are numerous ways, means and techniques devious people use to control, disorient and disarm people they want to have power over.

One technique is to tell blatant lies and then make you think you are insane for questioning or disbelieving them. The ruling glass and their minions lie to us daily. When the ruling class decides (they are not a monolithic group but they do cooperate to accomplish their goals) they want to bum rush a country and steal their natural resources they demonize that nation’s leader to gain public acquiescence and consent for their actions.”

Well, here we are in 2023 and the gaslighting continues even more so. The same forces, cabal and megalomaniacs are hard at work trying to pursue their nefarious agendas which include menticide, global depopulation and the intended reconfiguring of the current world order into a dystopian hellscape that makes the most gruesome science fiction horror stories look tame by comparison.

To get us to go for their okey-doke they use the media they own and control to tout their schemes as “progressive” and “beneficial” or they lie and tell us they are needed to confront and solve pressing problems like a “war on terror” public health crisis or climate change. It’s all lies and gaslighting.

Gaslighting is manipulation pure and simple, it is a form of menticide designed to control people’s perceptions of reality and to influence our behaviors, to get us to do what the plutocrats want us to do. “Gaslighting is a political strategy that utilizes deceptive and manipulative use of information, which destabilizes and disorients public opinion on political issues concerning the public. Several types of discourse and actions may constitute political gaslighting, such as lying, hypocrisy, misleading by mischaracterizing or rejecting facts, use of logical fallacies, and minimizing or deliberate silence on the seriousness of issues that are important to constituents of a politician…” Political Gaslighting In The Climate Change Discourse Surrounding the 2016 Election from the book President Trump’s First Term published by Purdue University Press

“Gaslighting involves manipulation of information. Information may comprise truth, half-truths, denial, minimization, lies, concealment, falsification, exaggerations, and dismissiveness. The manipulation of information by the gaslighter may be expressed as scorn, for example, expressing anger or sadness about information, which may compel the gaslightee to avoid accessing or sharing information; marginalization, for example, the gaslighter may put down the opinions that the gaslightee expresses or ignores their opinions that they find undesirable; and isolation, for example, the gaslighter may create physical conditions where the gaslightee finds themselves isolated from others and unable to seek information from sources other than the gaslighters’ opinions…” ibid

One objective of gaslighting is to literally drive the victims(s) crazy! From my perspective this is what is happening in the West now. Much of the partisanship, discord, emotional, physical and mental illness we are witnessing/experiencing especially in this country are the results both directly and indirectly of gaslighing by the powers that be.

“Why do people gaslight? The goal is always to weaken resistance, break spirits, appear blameless, and create chaos and confusion in the mind of the ‘gaslight-tee.’ Gaslighting isn’t an isolated or occasional event. It’s an insidious and persistent pattern of behavior that keeps you questioning yourself and those around you while slowly eroding your self-esteem and even your identity…Gaslighting causes chronic stress and severe emotional distress. The constant barrage of verbal (and sometimes physical) assaults eventually wears away your sense of identity, self-worth, and self-confidence while also eating away at your sanity. You may be more vulnerable to gaslighting if you suffer from any mental health issues that weaken your resistance, such as a history of abuse or trauma, low self-esteem or depression, for example.” Gaslighting What It Is and Why Do People Do It Jean Kim MD

The pervasive gaslighting by the media, government and their minions about COVID, the War in Ukraine and the “climate crisis’ coupled with the propaganda already in the mass media, the degenerate values and immorality being promoted with the results of the COVID lock-downs, economic downturn and social isolation; are having a devastating impact on us. “Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, increases in anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder have been reported globally. A systematic, rapid review of the psychological impact of quarantine found that pandemic-related stressors might have long-lasting effects on well-being. Social isolation, as a result of recommended COVID-19 mitigation strategies, has been associated with exacerbation of mental health challenges and overdose deaths.”,substance%20use%20and%20fatally%20overdose.

Yet the powers that be still cling to their narratives and refuse to even acknowledged the drawbacks and negative consequences of their policies. The gaslighting continues.
