2022 Predictions

Junious Ricardo Stanton

2022 Predictions

            By looking at past trends, patterns and experiences we can fairly accurately predict what we will see and experience in the coming year. The past two years have witnessed the spread of “novel coronaviruses” and a single minded focus on vaccines as the only way to halt their spread. Based upon our experiences the last two years we can reasonably surmise a continuation of the campaign of fear porn, hyperbole and exaggeration about the virus and a incessant push to inoculate all 7.9 people on the planet will continue into 2022. Why? So Big Pharma can rake in even more money than they did in 2021! Prior to SARS-COV-2 the pharmaceutical industry was held in extremely low esteem by most Americans due to price gauging, price fixing scandals, the opioid crisis and their lobbying on legislators at the expense of the public. https://news.gallup.com/poll/266060/big-pharma-sinks-bottom-industry-rankings.aspx           

Along came COVID and boom their profits and PR changed overnight! “Before the COVID-19 pandemic, a ‘baseline’ 32% of the U.S. public had a positive opinion of the pharmaceutical industry, but even at that 53% recorded in the summer, it’s still flying relatively high. Since the start of last year, pharma has in fact seen the biggest gains of any sector in Harris’ routine polls. Its slide throughout the year however may be indicative of a trend for 2022; new boosters and antivirals are incoming, but it’s likely that pharma won’t be getting the high-end and mainly positive media coverage it was in early 2021, so it could drop further. This is especially true when we start to see the major profits coming in for the likes of Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, which could reach more than $100 billion collectively in sales by this time next year, when you factor in boosters and a new drug from Pfizer. What looks like wartime profiteering, and with around the half the world (mainly the poorer half) still struggling to gain access to their first shots, let alone boosters, don’t be surprised if its reputation starts to come back to baseline.” 2022 forecast: Marketing COVID vaccines and drugs, and how pharma not brands, are taking center stage by Ben Adams https://www.fiercepharma.com/marketing/year-ahead-2022-marketing-covid-vaccines-and-drugs-and-how-pharma-not-brands-took-center (underline emphasis is mine

Prediction: the price gauging by Pfizer, Moderna and J&J in particular and Big Pharma in general will continue into 2022 and beyond. These inoculations can not, will not eradicate COVID, the fear porn and hysteria will continue. The media will continue to suppress the fact Coronaviruses mutate which is why vaccines can not and will never eradicate them! Look for the Pi, Rho, Sigma Tau variants in 2022.

             We are being lied to; it is not supply chain disruptions causing escalating prices, it is the increased money in circulation which is devaluing the currency whereby the increase in the money supply lessens the purchasing power of the dollars in existence. Inflation is actually caused when the Federal Reserve Bank (a consortium of privately owned banks) increases the money supply in circulation!  “Inflation, economically speaking, is an increase in the supply of currency. That may or may not lead to an increase in consumer prices, depending on the quantity of inflation, but prices will increase relative to what they would have been… Really poor people do not have wealth, by definition. They spend what they earn quickly, before it has been debased by much. So inflation does little more than keep them poor. Those who inflation really hurts are those who save, who keep currency for a rainy day. Who have balances at banks, or in insurance policies, or other things with a static value in currency.” Is currency debasement the real cause of inflation  https://www.quora.com/Is-currency-debasement-the-real-cause-of-inflation?share=1 

Inflation harms the middle class, the working poor and poor people the most. “One of the issues regarding poverty and inflation is that high inflation has a disproportionately large negative effect on those struggling with poverty. Inflation inequality describes the disparities between the effects inflation has on middle and upper-class people and lower-class people. There are multiple reasons why inflation affects people with lower incomes more than those with higher incomes. One of the main reasons has to do with the types of jobs these two types of people have. Lower-income people often don’t have much opportunity to negotiate their wages. When prices rise, wages for these individuals tend to stay stagnant for a while. Consequently, their purchasing power plummets. Higher-income people, on the other hand, tend to have jobs with inflation-adjusted benefits. When inflation occurs, these benefits limit the decrease in the individuals’ purchasing powers. This disparity is why during inflationary periods, income gaps widen.” The link between poverty and inflation https://borgenproject.org/poverty-and-inflation/

            We need to understand what inflation is and how it is caused. “Between December 2019 and August 2021, the U.S. money supply, measured by M2, grew by $5.5 trillion, a stunning 35.7% increase in only a year and a half, driven primarily by the Fed’s purchases of Treasury’s and mortgage-backed securities. In light of anticipated Federal Reserve tapering, we estimate that by the end of 2024 the money supply will grow another $5.1 trillion. Out of the total $10.6 trillion in new money, real GDP growth will drain roughly $1.4 trillion. Another $1 trillion will flow down the money demand drain. Since the amount of money flowing into the bathtub far exceeds the two outflows, the excess money in the tub—around $8.2 trillion—will hit the inflation overflow drain. The huge monetary expansion—$5.5 trillion already in the bathtub—is starting to reach the overflow. Persistent, not transitory, inflation will be with us for the next two to three years.”  The Money Bathtub Is Overflowing by John Greenwood and Steve H. Hanke https://www.wsj.com/articles/monetary-bathtub-overflowing-inflation-drain-transitory-11634847429 (underlined emphasis is mine.)

            Prediction: This inflationary spiral will continue; be prepared for a continued rising cost of living! Use these trends/predictions to improve your health, strengthen your immune system and figure out how you can personally lessen your economic uncertainty of 2022.


The Value of Kwanzaa

      The Value of Kwanzaa

                                                      Junious Ricardo Stanton

            From December 26th to January 1, millions of people around the world participate and experience Kwanzaa, a celebration based upon African and indigenous people’s values and traditions. Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga at a time when Diasporan Africans were reasserting our self-identity and self-determination and breaking free from an oppressive Eurocentric imperialist worldview and culture. It was designed to create and build an appreciation for unity, traditional African values, empowerment and community.

            Since its creation in the US, Kwanzaa has spread around the world and is now accepted and celebrated as an established holiday. Over the years the celebration has had its detractors. Some opposed it because they thought it threatened or competed with Christmas. Some said it was a “made up holiday”, some said or implied it was too Black, that it was African while others resisted learning about it, learning the words or they poo-pooed the principles behind it.

There were others who embraced the concept and keep the Kwanzaa traditional despite its detractors. Kwanzaa has value regardless of its detractors. What the detractors failed to realize is all holy days (holidays) are man made, invented or “made up”; every single one of them. Each and every holiday in existence, is the creation of the ethnic groups, institutions and culture who invented them for their own particular reasons to meet their specific needs. Christmas or the Christ Mass is a made up holiday. It was invented by the founders of the Catholic Church to reinforce their story about the birth of Jesus. The “Church Fathers” decreed that Jesus’ birth was on December 25th.  The fact that December 25th coincides with the Winter Solstice which was also the stated time of the births of other avatars and savior gods which predated Christianity is no coincidence.

 Every holiday we celebrate in this country is made up. The Fourth of July is a made up holiday as are: Hanukkah, Easter, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Carnival, Bastille Day, Mardi Gras and Juneteenth. Yet we don’t question them or their significance do we? No.  Many are based upon myths or other people’s culture yet we still celebrate them without question.

            Kwanzaa was created and based upon African and indigenous traditions. It has no institutional religious significance whatsoever, it is not a religious holiday, nor was it designed to compete with Hanukkah or Christmas. Yes Kwanzaa is African inspired and Black, so what?  It was created at a time when liberation minded Blacks were attempting to assert our agency, encourage empowerment, and establish an identity free from our externally induced internalized self-hatred.  What’s wrong with focusing on Blackness, Black empowerment, family, community and unity? What’s inappropriate about wanting a wholesome community, harmony, togetherness, cohesion and prosperity?

  Kwanzaa is not a threat to your pastor, or your religious doctrines and dogma if you are a Christian. Kwanzaa is no threat to your Imam or Koran’s teachings if you are a Muslim or any other religion for that matter.

As far as learning new words is concerned, we do it all the time! Black people are always making up slang words and phrases or changing the meaning of English words, its part of our rhythm, creative swag and hipness. Our slang almost always becomes part of the American vocabulary and lexicon.

We should be open minded and willing to learn about our past, synthesize what we’ve learned and apply it for the betterment of our lives. This is the essence of wisdom, what our African ancestors called Sankofa; which is an Akan word which means to go back and fetch. Dr. Karenga was encouraging us to look back, to learn about and from our history, our greatness and apply it to our daily lives.

Kwanzaa is a celebration based upon ancient traditions. The word Kwanzaa means “first fruits” harkening to a time when African people were close to the land, planting, harvesting, raising animals and being thankful for nature’s bounty. But most of us are urban dwellers in a post industrial transitional society today, we don’t know much about agriculture or the deep significance of living and working close to nature.

 Nevertheless, we need to learn about nature, the cycles of the sun, moon and stars because they are part of our legacy and traditions.

Another good thing about Kwanzaa is, it’s not a materialistic celebration; you won’t go into debt celebrating Kwanzaa.  Kuumba is one of the seven principles which means creativity; we are encouraged to use our imaginations to make gifts rather than going to the store and buying.  Kwanzaa tasks us to envision a better reality for ourselves as a people.

We are becoming too materialistic, too obsessed with gizmos and gadgets to our own detriment. We are becoming too detached from ourselves and our families. Technology is minimizing face to face, soul to soul interaction to the point we think pushing a button to like something means we’ve taken concrete action. We think joining a social network means we have friends but the fact of the matter is, we don’t interact with these people on meaningful levels.

Kwanzaa is about gathering together, it encourages being socially engaged and interactive with family, friends and the community, sharing common values (the seven principles) and a vision for us and our community.  During times like these the principles of Kwanzaa should make it more attractive and valuable, even if its virtual. Happy Kwanzaa!

Season of Light

Season of Light

One yellow candle flame burning in darkness on black background with copy space for text.

Junious Ricardo Stanton

“Upon the winter solstice, the Sun appears at its lowest in the sky, and its noontime elevation seems to stay the same for several days before and after this day. The Sun’s gradual decrease in the sky reverses upon the winter solstice, marking what many cultures believe to be a ‘rebirth’ of the Sun as the hours of daylight become longer.” https://www.farmersalmanac.com/winter-solstice-first-day-winter

            As the holiday season approaches it can be a time of reflection, meditation awakening and invigoration. The December 21, 2021annual winter solstice marks the official start of winter. The Sun has always played an important role in the lives of human beings. Our ancestors realized the Sun was powerful; it gave light, warmth, and helped sustain growth and life.

            Today we don’t celebrate the solstice like our ancestors did. However we do observe holidays (holy days) around this season and they all have in common the theme of light. The Jews celebrate Hanukkah the Festival of Lights, Christians celebrate the Christ Mass (Christmas) and many people of African descent celebrate Kwanza. Each of these celebrates prominently feature candles which are a source of light, one of the major sources of illumination prior to the discovery and use of electricity. Candles have a deep significance beyond the obvious uses as an instrument of physical light. “Deeply rooted in almost every religious and spiritual practice, creed and nationality, there is something peculiar and symbolic in a solitary flame and the aura of light surrounding it. It communicates with our souls. It speaks beyond words. It is the Unspeakable that dwells in the midst of the candle flame. It enlightens, enlivens, inspires, whispers secrets, comforts and ultimately connects. No matter how thick the darkness, the light of one candle conquers it. No matter how solitary one flame is, it is never alone or lonely for its light knows no boundaries and touches eternity. People of all faiths and walks of life, and many different creeds, have been joining together in a candlelight vigil to grieve, pray or celebrate. Candles are an integral part of our identities, they have been playing an important role in both our collective and individual consciousness…No matter what religion we are born into, there are sanctuaries and special places to light a candle for health, protection, blessing and loving memory of departed ones. Candles are believed to connect people with divine, and with the deceased. They send our message beyond the boundaries of the visible and material world. In a candle light, the material world and the world of the Spirit are met.” Candles a Brief History of Symbolism by Nikola https://www.candledelirium.com/blog/candles-brief-history-of-symbolism/

The idea and symbol of light is spiritual, it is equated with life itself, signifying the divine spark, the animating spirit within us. Candle light also denotes enlightenment transcending ignorance and guidance illuminating our way. All cultures use the symbol of light, candles and share a reverence for the Sun because we intuitively know if the Sun went out we would all die, there would be no life on this planet!

We live in an age of technology driven by a materialistic a-spiritual cosmology/ethos. Western “scientists” talk about “The Big Bang Theory” of creation but they never say what caused the bang in the first place, what came before and how this majestic well ordered universe resulted from their primordial explosion. Sane people know better. Even the Hebrew tale of creation says THE CREATOR said, “Let there be light and there was light.”

Light also symbolizes hope, resilience, innovation and perseverance, a way of thriving despite the darkness. We need to get back to basics and appreciate light and all that it represents during this holiday season no matter what traditions we celebrate. We need the light of hope to pierce the depression and constant fear mongering about COVID. We need our inner light to shine to outshine the saber rattling and threats of war. We need to tap into our own inner light to help us make it through these turbulent times; we need the light of faith to transcend the gloom and doom, fractiousness and polarization in the world today. Even if you don’t light personal candles or participate in rituals and ceremonies where candles are lit, you can light your inner candle and allow it to shine.

During this season of lights, let’s remember what Yeshua Ben Joseph said, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16.



The Coming Apocalypse

The Coming Apocalypse

Junious Ricardo Stanton

“More specifically, there are concerns that adding advanced pattern recognition to genomic data could significantly facilitate: the enhancement of pathogens to make them more dangerous; the modification of low-risk pathogens to become high-impact; the engineering of entirely new pathogens; or even the re-creation of extinct, high-impact pathogens like the variola virus that causes smallpox. These possibilities are coming at a time when new delivery mechanisms for transporting pathogens into human bodies are also being developed. In addition to the bombs, missiles, cluster bombs, sprayers, and injection devices of past biowarfare programs, it could now also be possible to use drones, nano-robots, even insects.” How to protect the world from ultra-targeted biological weapons. Filippa Lentzos, December 7, 2020 https://thebulletin.org/premium/2020-12/how-to-protect-the-world-from-ultra-targeted-biological-weapons/

            The psychopaths who run the world’s economic and political systems are hell-bent on using their advanced technology to usher in a global neo-feudal technological order with themselves on top and those of us who survive their meticulously engineered genocide and menticide campaigns existing as dispossessed serfs, peons, Zombies and bottom dwellers. Their vision of the Great Reset is in reality a dystopian apocalyptic world order. Their new order will be centered around 24/7/365 surveillance, social inducements, rewards, punishment and forced compliance to their anti-life, a-spiritual, desecration of the natural order and its subjugation in their twisted totalitarian system.  

The oligarchs know there will be major resistance and push back against their schemes because humans are stubborn creatures of habit who resist change. The psychopaths know change is not easily or readily embraced; especially when people know the changes are detrimental to them. The ruling elites are watching and testing to see how much pushback and resistance we will offer to their schemes and plans. We see push back occurring around the world, it’s just the oligarchs’ controlled media censors and suppresses coverage of the global resistance. https://rclutz.com/2021/11/23/media-ignore-worldwide-revolt-against-covid-tyranny/comment-page-1/ https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/citizens-against-vaccine-passports-lockdowns-medical-apartheid/ https://medicaltyranny.com/2021-11-22-worldwide-protests-erupt-against-deadly-vaccines-killing-alarming-rate.html Resistance is alive and thriving, why don’t the corporate media and their digital counterparts report on this?!

These miscreants’ real intent and objectives are being disguised, hidden and couched in noble sounding rhetoric such as: Build Back Better, The Great Reset and their long time favorite New World Order.  Here’s a sample of their terminology: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships. It is already changing our health and leading to a ‘quantified’ self, and sooner than we think it may lead to human augmentation. The list is endless because it is bound only by our imagination.” The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means and how to respond https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/ (underlined emphasis mine)

Life as we know it will be changed precipitously. The COVID-19 martial law and social disruption we are currently experiencing is a precursor to the dystopian reality they have in store for us. http://dean-w-arnold.com/articles-blogs/bill-gates-gathers-billionaires  SARS-COV-2 was most likely deliberately created in a laboratory, the mad scientists and megalomaniacs plotting and planning for their New World Order are hard at work furthering their depraved agenda for humanity an agenda that includes: massive die offs from more lab created viruses (gain of function research), ethnic and phonotypical specific pathogens, vaccines, wars, famines coupled with new human-machine hybrids, mixed species chimeras, gene splicing and manipulation.

Their agenda is no secret; they openly advocate it to their peers and their minions, “As genomic technologies develop and converge with AI, machine learning, automation, affective computing, and robotics, an ever more refined record of our biometrics, emotions, and behaviors will be captured and analysed. Governments and, increasingly, private companies will be able to sort, categorize, trade, and use biological data far more precisely than ever before, creating unprecedented possibilities for social and biological control. Some even argue that the new geopolitical order will be based on the commodification of a new resource emerging from the convergence of the artificial intelligence and biotech industries: our biological and genomic data.” How to protect the world from ultra-targeted biological weapons By Filippa Lentzos  https://thebulletin.org/premium/2020-12/how-to-protect-the-world-from-ultra-targeted-biological-weapons/

This is us vs. them! Notice how the plotters description of us features terms like: commodification, human augmentation and predicts trends like “compel us to redefine our moral and ethical boundaries” Keep in mind the people who got us to this point in human history, to this brink of depravity now want us to believe they have repented and they are concerned for the wellbeing, health and safety of humanity?!  Don’t go for their okey-doke. Resist, resistance is our only option!
